Friday, April 9, 2010

E-Books for Mathematics

  • A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra Provides an introduction to number theory and algebra, with an emphasis on algorithms and applications.
  • A Cook-Book Of Mathematics This text provides the students with simple cookbook recipes which covers the most significant issues of mathematical economics.
  • A Problem Course in Mathematical Logic This is a text for a problem-oriented course on mathematical logic and computability.
  • A=B Shows how several recently developed computer algorithms can simplify complex summations, presenting the underlying mathematical theory of these methods, the principle theorems and proofs, and the implementation using Maple packages.
  • Advanced Calculus, Revised Edition
    This book divides roughly into a first half which develops the calculus (principally the differential calculus) in the setting of normed vector spaces, and a second half which deals with the calculus of differentiable manifolds.
  • Algorithmic Mathematics
    Introduces the basic algorithms for computing and provides a constructive approach to abstract mathematics.
  • Algorithms for Modular Elliptic Curves, Second Edition
    Describes in detail an algorithm based on modular symbols for computing modular elliptic curves. Also describes various algorithms for studying the arithmetic of elliptic curves.
  • An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers
    An introduction to the elementary theory of numbers, in both technical (avoiding complex variable theory) and usual sense (that of being easy to understand).
  • Analytic Combinatorics
    Provides a unified treatment of analytic methods in combinatorics. Many examples are given that relate to words, integer compositions and partitions, paths and walks, graphs, mappings and allocations, lattice paths, permutations, trees, and planar maps.
  • Basic Concepts of Mathematics
    Helps the student complete the transition from purely manipulative to rigorous mathematics.
  • Calculus Without Limits
    Introduces differentiability as a local property without using limits. The course is designed for life science majors who have a precalculus background, and whose primary interest lies in the applications of calculus.
  • Calculus, Applications and Theory
    This book gives complete proofs of all theorems in one variable calculus and to at least give plausibility arguments for those in multiple dimensions. Serious students will find complete explanations in this book.
  • California Free Digital Calculus Textbook
    This is a freely available calculus book, covering a fairly standard course sequence: single variable calculus, infinite series, and multivariable calculus. There is no chapter on differential equations.
  • Combinatorial Algorithms for Computers and Calculators, Second Edition
    An easy-to-read introduction to Combinatorial Algorithms for any graduate student of mathematics or computer science. Provides a kit of building blocks with which the reader can construct more elaborate structures of his or her own.
  • Complex Analysis
    A textbook for an introductory course in complex analysis. Topics from complex function theory, including contour integration and conformal mapping.
  • Complex Variables
    This is a student-oriented text covering the standard first year graduate course in complex variables. Solutions to all problems are included.
  • Computational Geometry: Methods and Applications
    Focuses on four major directions in computational geometry: the construction of convex hulls, proximity problems, searching problems and intersection problems.
  • Derivations of Applied Mathematics
    An applied exposition of proofs of numerous mathematical results useful in the modeling of physical systems. If you have seen a mathematical result, if you want to know why the result is so, you can look for the proof here.
  • Elementary Mathematics
    Develops fundamental skills in algebra, trigonometry, indices and logarithms, equations and inequalities, as well as progressions. Includes differential and integral calculus in a reasonable level.
  • Essential Mathematics
    Provides training for a compulsory examination, designed to address the lack of fluency in elementary arithmetic and algebra.
  • Introduction to Methods of Applied Mathematics
    This open source textbook contains material on calculus, functions of a complex variable, ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations and the calculus of variations. Includes exercises and solutions.
  • Introduction to Probability, 2nd Rev edition
    Introductory textbook for undergraduates, develops key ideas in probability and describes a variety of applications and of nonintuitive examples.
  • Linear Methods of Applied Mathematics
    A suitable text for a first course on partial differential equations, Fourier series and special functions, and integral equations.
  • Logic For Computer Science - Foundations of Automatic Theorem Proving
    An introduction to mathematical logic, with an emphasis on proof theory and procedures for constructing formal proofs of formulae algorithmically.
  • Logic For Everyone
    Covers all of the basic material in the propositional and predicate calculus. Applications include non-standard models obtained by the means of compactness theorem and the generation of weak ultrawords and ultralogic operator.

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