Thursday, September 22, 2011

National workshop on Texas Instruments Development Tools (MSP430 & DSP Micro-controller)

Three day National workshop on Texas Instruments Development Tools (MSP430 & DSP Micro-controller). This workshop is jointly organized by the department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Jaipur Engineering College and Research Centre and Texas Instruments & Cranes Software on 11th – 13th, October, 2011.

The workshop is organized with an objective to bridge the gap between the industry and academics. This workshop will provide a platform to academicians, researchers to explore the new technologies in the area of Micro-controller. The training workshop will have brainstorming sessions facilitated by eminent resource persons from industry. This workshop therefore is an excellent chance to meet experts from the industry and explore the industrial approach to micro-controllers and their applications.

The pretension of workshop is to bind the researchers, academicians and experts from industry to provide hands on extensive training on micro-controller boards.

For details contact Prof. S S Shekhwat (HoD-ECE, Department of Electronics & Communication, Jaipur Engineering College & Research Centre, Jaipur.

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